Here at Heather Hollow Labradors, we sell beautiful chocolate, yellow and black Labrador Retriever puppies.
These photos were taken on our farm in Northeastern Vermont.
Our View to the North on a Foggy Morning
Yellow Litter
Two litters lounging in a grass pen. Yellows sired by Mr. Jigs; Chocolates Sired by Smoke Jack
New Litter
What a better place to dig?
Heather Hollow Labs go for a swim in our pond
Hanging out on the Lawn
Hanna and Colby
Smelling the breeze
Playing in the pen often involves trying to escape!
In the flowers…
Our farm is an operational Dairy Farm
Vermont’s Fall Foliage
Heather Hollow Smoke Jack
Customer Photos
Below is collection of some of our favorite images and comments we’ve received from our customers over the years.
As you can see, our lab puppies turn into wonderful dogs!
A nap with a friend…
Abel and Becky in the leaves!
James has been an absolute joy in my life. He is so gentle and so loving. What an amazing temperament!
“I can’t believe we have had him for a week already. By the fourth night he is sleeping from 11:00 – 5:30-6:00am. Today we had to leave the house and couldn’t bring him with us, I put him down in front of the crate and he went right in and layed down all by himself.”
– Jeff and Tina, Burlington, VT
Heather Hollow Black Labrador
So easy and quick to train, especially mousse! She is a dream dog!
Ozzie is a very curious and a very confident puppy.
Today is Max’s first birthday! We absolutely can’t imagine our lives without him now. He’s a fantastic dog…the perfect combination of playful, mellow & fun. He loves going for hikes, playing out in the yard with the kids and gathering up as many sticks as possible. His new favorite thing is to run with me.
Essex Juntion, VT
“Astro and Zues are getting along just fine”
Chocolate Lab Puppy, Nala
“Sunny is wonderful and we are enjoying her so very much. I’ve never met such an outgoing dog! She loves other dogs and people so very, very much and we have yet to meet a person that doesn’t absolutely love her. She’s very charming. She’s also very smart and is quickly learning sit & stay and loves to fetch her favorite toys. – Robin from Burlington, VT
Two Chocolate labs from Heather Hollow Farm
“Definitely the model pup in every way…. He’s loving the snow and just an all around happy guy.” -Sue and Bruce
Zeus is Awesome
“Finn is growing like a weed. He certainly is handsome and has stolen as many hearts as he has dirty socks and shoes so far.”
Grinny loves the Ocean! -Owen C. in Texas
“He is doing amazing! Ben and Baxter ate the best of friends.
He’s been an amazing dog. We love him!! He’s 2 today and thought I’d show you him!” – The Burkes
Black and Chocolate Labradors from Heather Hollow Labs
“Happy Holidays from Reuben & the entire Hudson family!!!
We couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful companion! ”
Lacey the chocolate lab puppy has the nicest Eyes
Getting in the Dryer!
Happy Birthday to our year old lab!
Bessie loves the water!
Sully and Bentley the yellow and Chocolate labs.
Jake is such a good guy. We love him very much.. I think he looks like his Mom. Very handsome Man..
Yellow, Chocolate, and Black Labs
Sully, 3 years old in April. Mr. Jiggs pup
Bentlee, 7 months old. Smoke Jack’s pup
– Tracy
He’s well behaved and all that we had hoped for, and then some. I would say that Smoke Jack and Bliss
make great offspring.
“We’re going to get Bosco and Maple together next week. Do you think that Bosco and Maple will recognize one another? It would be fun to know how many of your dogs are living in Reading.”
Susan from Reading, MA
Shadow Loves Trucks!
This was taken 8/19/12 just one day short of his 7 month birthday. He has one more class and then he is done his basic obedience and manners. He is doing very well. A few weeks ago we took him to Maine for one of Joe’s shoots. The trip was 6 hours and he was amazing. – The Churchs
Here is a fun photo I took of Sunny this frosty morning. He is a big shot with this huge sunflower plant he pulled off the compost pile yesterday.
Jake is 2 years old today and I want to let you know what an amazing, happy, handsome dog he is.
“He is definitely a Mama’s Boy and I love it. Joe has been teaching him for find sheds, has played hide and seek with some antlers, so far so good.” – N. and J. Church
“Enzo is growing into a handsome young pup! He’s got a great disposition and personality. He and Sunny love to wrestle and go on walk together. The boys LOVE him and are very involved in his care and training.”
– The Duquettes
We absolutely love our Heather Hollow Labrador Retriever. Thank you Harold and Andrea!
An amazing retriever
“This is hunter helping me with my housework.”
– Anita
Hondo The yellow lab puppy, enjoying his first snowfall!
A loyal buddy
Zeus Thor Apollo sharing a bed
We hope santa made it to your house First! – The Cassados
“Does this remind you of some other buddies?? He knows what to do on a rainy Saturday..He is no dummy about comfort.”
– Sue